Sunday, October 26, 2008

Football, Family and the Glory of God

The story of Tony Dungy--head coach of the Indianapolis Colts--and his strong Christian faith is well known. Less familiar is the strong faith of University of Georgia coach Mark Richt. The video below highlights the faith of Mark and the Richt family in action, adopting two children from Ukraine.

The video is a beautiful example of the obedience of faith, of a family being compelled by the gospel and word of God to take steps of faith and self-sacrifice.

The unique thing about the video is that it aired on ESPN. It is not often that explicit proclamations of Christian faith make their way onto secular programs. It is also rare that high profile athletic figures possess and express a vibrant faith in Christ.

The video is touching and challenging, but it also served as helpful reminder that we should pray for men like Tony Dungy and Mark Richt. Pray that God would sustain them, strengthen them & provide opportunities for them to use their platform to highlight the beauty of the gospel. And finally, pray that they would use their vocation of coaching to be a means of mentoring and discipling athletes into a relationship with the Savior.

HT: Justin Taylor

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